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Are you a business owner, manager or entrepreneur that wants to THRIVE?

 Create the results you want ! 

or maybe you don't even know what results you want, but need to figure some out.

 Regardless how you started...YOU CAN FINISH STRONG!! 

If you are desiring to get CLARITY, take ACTION, be SUCCESSFUL and create an exciting STRATEGIC PLAN to move your business from where it IS to where you want it to BE by the end of the year, these workshops will serve you well.

There are 5  workshops in the CLARITY-ACTION-SUCCESS series
with each one building on the clarity and actions of the one before it.

These ARE workshops where space and exercises are created to guide you and
empower you to discover and create for yourself YOUR UNIQUE path!

Workshop #1
Clarifying Your Big Picture and Creating a Compelling Goal.

Workshop #2
Clarifying Your
 Embracing and Knowing Your Path
Workshop #3
Clarifying Your HOW:
Mastering your

Key take aways from this workshop are:

  • Space, Time and Tools to help you evaluate:  What’s working well?  What can be even better? What needs to shift?

  • Reflect on your year and honestly assess your business results

  • Reset (or intensify) your focus on priorities

  • Clarify and set compelling year end goals to achieve the results you want.

  • Energized by others who are also determined to do what it takes to finish the year strong

When was the last time you carved out some valuable time to get some needed perspective on your business? 


If you are like most of us, life and the tyranny of the urgent (and often not important) has a way of getting us so busy that our true priories are left for the "later" that never comes. 


It is like the businessman who was so busy working "IN" his business, that his business failed because he was not working "ON" his business! 


Would you benefit from climbing up high and getting a birds eye view perspective?  Would coming up with some clear compelling goals that will move your priorities forward  be time well spent?


What if in five weeks you were to look back at the amazing progress you have made and say, "WOW, I can't believe I achieved that! I totally broke through the roadblocks that have been stopping me!  I'm achieving the results I've always wanted!"

For many, these workshops have been the start of that journey to success.  It can be your start as well.


Benefits of this workshop

  • Clarity on what is working well? 

  • Clarity on what can be even better? 

  • Clarity on what needs to shift?

  • Reflect on your year and honestly assess your business results

  • Reset (or Intensify) your focus on priorities

  • A clear, compelling next GOAL that will move your business forward to achieve the end-of-year results you want

  • Your Business: big picture priority assessment

  • Have the time and space to invest in yourself.

  • Gain valuable clarity about your present and future.

  • Expand or begin to imagine and realize your amazing potential.

  • Be encouraged by others who are also desiring to gain clarity and grow their business

  • Clarity of who you will be  impacting for good as you move your business forward.

  • Discovering what is in your control

  • Embracing WHO you are and and will become.

  • Embracing and sharing your unique greatness as well as the unique value your business offers.

  • An understanding of the power of "thinking from the future"

  • 2 hour workshop

  • Max of 20 participants



Got a DREAM?

Do you have a desire
to move,
get traction

and momentum
toward where you want to be

or what you want to create?

BUT you are asking yourself, "what exactly do I need to do to make my compelling dream or goal a reality"?

Maybe you have already tried to accomplish it the past but failed.

This workshop is designed to give you clarity on:

  • Exactly WHAT actions you need to take to make your compelling goal or dream a reality.

  •  Your WHY which will be the FUEL that will continue to propel you forward even when you encounter roadblocks and the going gets tough.

  • Understanding of how of you can clearly communicate your goal/dream in a compelling way to others so they can understand WHY this goal is so important to you and must be achieved.

Other benefits of this workshop that will continue to expand from workshop #1:

  • Have the time and space to invest in yourself.

  • Gain valuable clarity about your present and future.

  • Expand your awareness of your amazing potential.

  • Be encouraged by others who are also desiring to gain clarity and grow.

  • Clarity of who you will be  impacting for good as you move your life forward

  • Confidence that you will accomplish your desired goal

  • Discovering what is in your control and what is not

  • Embracing and sharing your unique greatness

  • Expanded understanding of the power of "thinking from the future"

  • 2 hour workshop

  • 6 to 10 participants

There are reasons you have sometimes not been able to follow through with your plans:  Even when you had clarity on WHAT your goal was, exactly WHO you would become, WHY it was so important and WHAT you needed to do.   


Both external and internal roadblocks will show up.  They can come in the form of other people's criticism, loss of vision or hope, slowness of progress, fails or a multitude of other things that just show up uninvited. 


You have a million things trying to distract you from your priorities.  If you want to invest in yourself and embrace your path with the clarity of HOW you are going to make THIS journey different than the unsuccessful ones in your past, then this workshop will provide you great value, awareness and action steps.  Give yourself the powerful gift of 4 hours to gain some space, clarity, awareness and deep dive planning.

During this workshop you will identify and gain CLARITY on:


  • HOW you are going to amplify and leverage the skills, habits, and knowledge that you already possess so you can overcome your next challenges.

  • What skills, habits, and knowledge that you don't yet possess, but will be added so you can successfully and efficiently reach your goals. 

  • HOW past successes and fails can be powerful teachers, giving you the experience, understanding and memories to give you the tools to succeed in your future.

  • HOW to exercise the powerful principles of addition and subtraction


The HOW has two parts: the outer game and the inner game (workshop #4).  Both must be mastered to give the traction and momentum you will need to grow, thrive and accomplish your compelling  dream or goal. 

  • As you journey through this process and come face to face with what is moving your forward and holding you back, you will have shifts in your awareness and begin to connect with both your head (intellect) and heart (passion) to give you the body to move toward what you desire to do and be.

  • 3 hour workshop

  • 6 to 10 participants

Workshop #4
Clarifying Your HOW:
Mastering your
Workshop #5
Clarifying Your TEAM,
Your WHEN, and Your WHERE
Bringing it ALL TOGETHER

What is stopping you from moving from where you ARE to where you want to BE?  Have you found that sometimes your worst enemy is not some super villain or external threat, but is actually the person you see in the mirror. 


Yes, there are external roadblocks to your success, but if you are really honest with yourself, how often is the roadblock inside your own head or heart?  Thoughts and feelings like:

"What will people think if I fail?"

"What if this turns out like last time?"

"What if I don't have what it takes?"

"I don't deserve this success?"

"What if this actually works?

"People think I'm crazy?"

"I'm not nearly as good at this as .....?"

"Will this ever make enough money?"

"This is too hard for me?"

"I'm looking really stupid?"

"I think I'll just binge watch Netflix instead?"

"I'll start tomorrow...maybe?"

Is your thinking, feeling and believing a major roadblock to your success?  This CLARITY workshop on HOW to create a strategy to overcome the self sabotage AND HOW to replace it with self empowering thoughts, actions and beliefs may be just what you need to move from where your ARE to where you want to BE.

Ask yourself, "What is my self sabotage costing me in time, money, energy, joy and success?"

Also ask yourself, "What is my self sabotage costing those I care about and love the most? 

If you are like most people, it is costing you a LOT in all of those areas.

IMAGINE IF you found a way to overcome your negative self-defeating thoughts, mindsets, feelings and memories, and replaced the with ones that would serve you and give you the energy and freedom to succeed!

How different would
your life look and feel? 


How would the lives of those
you love and care for be affected for good?

During this workshop you will gain life shifting personal awareness and be empowered as you begin to master your INNER game and learn:


  • HOW you are going to take advantage and amplify the mindsets, thoughts, memories, and beliefs that you already possess, so you can overcome your next challenge.

  • Identify what mindset, thoughts, memories, and beliefs that you don't yet possess but will be embraced so you can successfully reach your compelling dream or goals.

  • HOW past successes and fails can be powerful teachers, giving you the experience, understanding and memories to give you the tools to succeed in your future.

  • Learn HOW to become a powerful creator of the results you desire instead of a victim of circumstances or the actions of others.

  • Learn about and experience HOW your 3 brains effect you, and  HOW to use them to work for you instead of  against you.

The HOW has two parts: the outer game (workshop #3) and the inner game.  Both must be mastered to give the traction and momentum you will need to grow, thrive and accomplish your compelling dream or challenging goal. 

  • As you journey through this process and come face to face with what is moving your forward and holding you back, you will have shifts in your awareness and begin to connect with both your head (intellect) and heart (passion) to give you the body to move toward what you desire to do and be.

  • 3 hour workshop

  • 6 to 10 participants

Congratulations!  By this point you have CLARITY on your:


  • Compelling GOAL

  • WHO you want to be

  • WHY this is so important

  • WHAT steps to take

  • HOW outer game plan

  • HOW inner game plan


Wow, you have significantly  grown in your awareness and are already taking small and massive actions moving you toward where you want to BE.  You are feeling proud about your progress and empowered by your actions!

In this final workshop, you will add some final powerful components:

  • Craft a powerful Vision, Mission and Purpose statements so you can clearly and powerfully communicate your plan and passion to others.

  • Discover and explore your unique strengths and skill sets.

  • Gain clarity on the kind of PARTNERSHIPS and TEAM you will need to create so you can accomplish your compelling goal.

  • Clarify the timeline of WHEN all of your key actions will occur.

  • Clarify WHERE you will take your critical actions as well as WHERE you will acquire the resources, skills, mindsets, etc to make your dreams a reality.

Other benefits of this workshop:

  • Have the time and space to invest in yourself.

  • Be encouraged by others who are also desiring to gain clarity, grow and take action.

  • Gain valuable clarity about your present and future.

  • Expand your awareness of your amazing potential.

  • Confidence that you will accomplish your desired goal

  • Discovering what is in your control and what is not

  • Embracing and sharing your unique greatness

  • Expanded understanding of the power of "thinking from the future"

  • 3 hour workshop

  • 6 to 10 participants

Once you have competed all 5 Workshops you will receive the


Thrival Training


Yes, it is just a piece of paper, but

WHAT is represents is more than that.

You have done some empowering work and have made a significant investment in your present and future : 


  • Spent 17 hours investing in deeply empowering personal or business development.

  • Supported others and participated in five small groups where everyone was journeying together to discover how to move toward their compelling goals.

  • Have a clear strategy for WHAT you need and want to accomplish

  • Understanding of your powerful WHY that will be your FUEL to keep you in forward motion even when you face the inevitable roadblocks

  • Awareness of your OUTER GAME skills, habits and resources that you can begin to practice, develop and master so you can take actions that will create the results you desire.

  • Awareness of your INNER GAME mindsets, feelings and beliefs that you can begin to practice, develop and master so you can re-frame every problem into an opportunity.

  • Clarity regarding your WHEN timeline, and clarity of WHERE you need to acquire resources as well as clarity regarding locations for best creating your results.  

  • Creation of your Vision, Mission and Purpose statements to be your clear guiding north star that will keep you on course by giving you clarity on what to say, "YES" to, and when to say, "NO".

  • Creation of a like minded, shared value and common vision TEAM to journey together with you.

  • Congratulations!  It was worth the time, money and energy.


  • You now have an amazing superpower:  CLARITY

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